A very special welcome to our new students Aja Ward in Room 1 and Gurbani Teja in Room 11. Welcome to Waitohu School.
Our pool is being fully used and enjoyed by tamariki. Please send togs and a towel in a plastic bag each day for your child to use. Our Swim Kāpiti Swimming Lessons will begin for Junior Syndicate students on Monday 24 February. Senior syndicate students will begin on Monday 10 March.
A reminder we would like all students to benefit from the great opportunity of convenient and heavily reduced cost swimming lessons taught by Swim Kāpiti Swimming instructors. If cost is a barrier please don’t hesitate to contact me. We want all students whose whānau would like them to have these lessons to participate. An information / permission slip is available from the office. Please return these to school tomorrow.
On Wednesday 26 February we will be having our annual school picnic at Waikanae Pools. We will be departing at 10.00am and returning by 2.30pm. This was such an awesome day last year, that we are all looking forward to it again this year. Please return the permission notice that was given to each student.
The weather forecast is looking great. If due to weather this trip is cancelled I will inform you via the front page of our school website www.waitohu.school.nz
Please put Friday 21 March 5.30pm - 7.30pm in your diary now and look forward to a great whānau evening.
Our Home and School Association are organising a gathering for all of our whānau to have a fun and relaxing evening. Come and get your kai (hamburgers, sausages ……) or bring your own, enjoy the activities on offer for our tamariki and the ambience of live music with Andrew & Kirstin London. The aim is us coming together as Waitohu whānau. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION HUI - TUESDAY 25 FEBRUARY
Our first Home and School Association hui of this year will be held this Tuesday 25 February at 7.15pm in the staffroom. Current and new members are warmly encouraged to come along. We look forward to once again making a difference for ‘our’ tamariki through our mahi and fun.
Our patrol students have made an awesome start to the year. Ngā mihi to Sergeant Mike for this week providing refresher training for our Year 6 Patrollers.
Swim Kāpiti Swimming Lessons begin - Monday 24 February
Home and School Association Hui - Tuesday 25 February (7.15pm)
School Picnic, Waikanae Pools – Wednesday 26 February
Assembly – Friday 28 February (2.15pm)
Junior & Senior Duathlons – Friday 14 March (10.00am)
Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday 24 March at 7.15pm
Kāpiti Island Visit - Year 5 Students - Wednesday 26 March
Assembly – Friday 28 March (2.15pm)
Year 6 Camp - Monday 31 March - Wednesday 2 April
Assembly – Friday 11 April (12.15pm)
Final Day Term 1 – Friday 11 April (2.00pm)
Day 1, Term 2 – Monday 28 April
Our fun, safe and friendly ‘on-site’ Before and After School Care Programme has casual and permanent spots available for Waitohu School students for 2025 and beyond! Enrol, book and manage your bookings ONLINE! And ….. our breakfast club is free of charge! Come and visit our team after school at the Waitohu School Hall from 3.00pm for more information or find us online at www.funzone.co.nz, email info@funzone.co.nz or contact us on 021 711 531 or 0800 543 9696. We are OSCAR approved and WINZ subsidies apply.
On Wednesday 26 February we will be having our annual school picnic at Waikanae Pools. We will be departing at 10.00am and returning by 2.30pm. This was such an awesome day last year, that we are all looking forward to it again this year. To make it happen we need:
- A signed permission slip and entry money ($5.00 per child - includes entry and hydroslide; please note all students are able to use the hydroslide). A separate permission notice has been given to each student.
- You and the rest of your family to join in
(Standard costs apply of $5.90 per swimming adult, $3.30 per adult with a community services card or a senior citizen, $2.00 per preschooler and $1.90 for an adult if swimming with a preschooler – please pay this money at the pool on the day. Children under 4 years are now required to wear a swim nappy, they are available at $1.60 each from the pool).
- We will be travelling to and from the pool by bus. If parents are able to come for the day (and we hope there are lots) they are very welcome to transport their own children.
Hearing and vision screening for those new entrants and children who have no previous test record will be seen on Thursday 27 March. Please let the office know if you do not want your child to be seen.
AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC LESSONS The Ōtaki Music Centre are taking registrations for after school music lessons. This is an opportunity for childrem to learn an instrument, Keyboard, Guitar and Drum lessons are available. Classes are on Tuesdays from 3.30pm-5.30pm at Ōtaki College in the Performing Arts Department. Lessons start on Tuesday 25 February. The cost is $60.00 per class per student for the year. This is available for any primary school students from age 7 up to and including Year 8s (limited spaces available and older children have priority). Please contact Anje Glindemann on 021 212 5440 or email gregandanje@xtra.co.nz for further information or to enrol your child.
NEW PROGRAMME AT ŌTAKI POOL - KAUORA He kaupapa hou e haere ake nei!
He kaupapa wai a Kauora, he kaupapa haumaru mō te whānau. Ka whakaako ēnei kaupapa ki roto i ngā kura Māori, Kōhanga reo, me te hāpori Ōtaki ki te puna kaukau o Ōtaki me Ōtaki awa. Mā ngā kaimahi tēnei kaupapa e ārahi kei raro i te āhuru mōwai o ngā tikanga me ngā kauhautū o Kauora.
The Ōtaki Pool team is excited to introduce a new programme- Kauora.
Kauora is a connection to our tupuna through swimming and engaging in the taiao. It is based on the three key pou of kaukau (swimming as play), kauhoe (swimming as providing) and kautiaki (swimming as protection) and contributes to flourishing whānau hauora. Kauora is delivered in te reo Māori, guided by our mātāpono and iwi.
Classes for school aged kids will be run after school on weekdays. Expressions of interest for this exciting new kaupapa are currently being sought.
Please email otaki.pool@kapiticoast.govt.nz with your child's name and age, and what days of the week work best for you.