Language of Learning

We want our students to be crystal clear about how they can be their best. Our Language of Learning words have become a powerful tool within our school, to show everyone in our school community what the habits and inclinations are, that enable us ‘To Be Our Best’. We have identified these habits and inclinations as:
Curiosity, Collaboration, Resilience, Creativity, Excellence, Perseverance and Reflection.
The people who practise and live these words, succeed.
To support everyone in our school community to use and understand our Language of Learning words, we have placed the words and their meanings, outside the entrance to Room 4. They have been stylised in a dictionary format, are large and clear, and aim to remind and encourage students, teachers and parents just what these words mean. Each school day, teachers highlight and use these words with students. Wording on certificates, special stickers and special acknowledgement at assemblies are used, to embed their use and meaning.
Our Flag Wall mural has captured, and is made up of New Zealanders, who have lived these inclinations and habits and succeeded at the highest levels. We want ‘our’ students to make a very clear link between our Language of Learning words and our Flag Wall mural. We want them to know and deeply believe, that by cultivating, practising and developing the inclinations and habits described in our Language of Learning words, that they can achieve to the heights of the New Zealanders displayed on our Flag Wall mural.